Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Divl. Union has filed RTI seeking information inrespect of vacant post.

Com. Adhir Das, Divl. Secy. Gr-C, has filed RTI seeking following information.
Please supply the following information in respect of P.A. cadre for each year from 2000 to 2011 (items 1 to 6) and item no. 7.

1.     No. of vacancy in PA cadre declared in notification of Direct Recruitment Quota.
2.     No. of vacancy in PA cadre declared in notification of Departmental Quota.
3.     No. of P.A. posts filled up in Departmental Quota. 

4.     a) No. of compulsory retirement/ dismissal & removal from service/death in       harness.
    b) No. of such vacancies reflected in that year’s vacancy statement.

5.     a) No. of posts vacated due to resignation/promotion (IP/LSG/HSG/Rule-38)
     b) No. of such vacancies reflected in that year’s vacancy statement.

6.     a) No. of posts diverted from other divisions.
    b) No. of such vacancies reflected in that year’s vacancy statement.

7.     a) How many posts of LSG are managed by officiating arrangement as on                  01.01.2012.
    b) How many posts of HSG-II are managed by officiating arrangement as on 01.01.2012.
    c) How many posts of HSG-I are managed by officiating arrangement as on 01.01.2012.

It has been noticed  by our Circle Union, vacancy of PA cader for recruitment are not calculated properly. As per instruction we have filed RTI to the SPOs, S. P. Dn.